I designed some posters for Effetto Larsen back in 2020. That year, as some of you might remember, something really big and disruptive happened: they had to move all of their participative projects online.

Oh, and there was a global pandemic going on. People were costrained at home, and there was a general hunger for art, for entertainment, for beauty.

So they gathered a bunch of collaborators and created a series of free online workshops, available for everyone and dedicated to many different topics.

Here you can take a look at some of the posters I made to announce those workshops.


Arterprise is a series of live chats between Effetto Larsen artistic director Matteo Lanfranchi and Giuseppe Petrosino, CEO and founder of Paradeigma Consulting. Two friends and collaborators coming from two completely different worlds: live performance and corporate business.
They discuss art and business with many guests: what do they have in common and what can they learn from each other?
We developed an editorial strategy that started from random Instagram Live chats and ended up with two seasons of structured episodes available also as a podcast.

Pop-Up Civilisation

A series of online events about who we are and what defines us as a society: what happened if we started over, in a new world? How do we organize ourselves and how do we deal with issues such as institutions, power, justice?

A selection of posters and alternate takes.


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