Graphic Project for LowLow’s 4th solo album.
The concept of this album was inspired by 1995 manifesto Dogma 95 by directors Lars Von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg. It’s about abandoning everything that is not essential. Putting words — and storytelling — above music and aesthetic. Being clear and drastic.

Original Project — The initial concept was to recreate La Reproduction Interdite, by René Magritte. The idea of making Giulio look at himself in the mirror and realizing he’s part of the audience. Waiting for something to happen.
Final Version — We created a simple shooting to keep up with the album’s minimalist concept. The album cover was reduced to the essentials: just the author’s name and the title. The whole project was transposed to social media with a radical manifesto.

“Ho voluto ispirarmi alla necessità di Lars Von Trier e Thomas Vinterberg di creare un manifesto per definire loro stessi alla loro arte, ma ho preso molto spunto anche da Refn. La forte contrapposizione di estetica e violenza che contraddistinguono le sue opere mi affascina da sempre.” — LowLow